
I can see I haven’t been very good with my blog spot here in some time. I’m recovering from foot and ankle surgery so have taken a bit of rest from my sound practice to focus on healing up. Although you may think I’m just sitting here I have been quite active in moving ahead and learning more about how I can be of greater service to my community with sound and reiki .I’m currently taking a Passion and Purpose course for six months and I’m really looking forward to learning more about myself and the people I want to serve. I will leave the link below for any who are interested. I have a beautiful space in my home for sound and I’m looking into the possibility of renting some space in St. Albans and being a part of a greater community of healers. I will be finishing up a brush up class with Eileen McKusick who specialty is sound balancing using tuning forks in August. So I’m looking forward to being back in tune again very soon!